pilates in your own time…
NEW: 7-minute “Body Weight Blast” is here; you’ll find it in ‘5-minute’ tab or ‘Arm toning moves’.
Within each time tab (just below this text), you will find an assortment of videos of approximately the same length. The ‘circa 60 min‘ ones are primarily classes delivered over Zoom during lockdown, so sound and technical quality is mixed but you will find nicely-paced, level 2 classes. More recently, I have been focusing on recording better-quality, shorter videos; you will find these in the 5, 10, 20 or 30 minute tabs.
The other categories focus on specific needs or desires!
If you are starting out or restarting Pilates after a break, go to the ‘Absolute beginner or Refresh the basics‘ section. I recommend looking at Finding neutral pelvis (two different videos), then watching and doing Pre-Pilates moves, followed by Pilates Fundamentals. You will also find plenty of other videos of different durations for beginners or improvers.
If you have achy back (not acute situation), then dip into Movement for Back or Shoulder pain. Try the restorative classes or Basic moves for spinal health (same ones as the New York Times recommends!)
If you want an immediate hit of Pilates to the core, try Quick ab blast (only 5 mins, and you’ll find it in the 5-min tab).
The Bone Building and Balance section may suit if you need focus on bone building movement. lThis is Pilates that avoids loaded flexion of spine – not safe if do have osteoporosis. There are three videos (20 mins each) specifically for Osteoporosis.