There can be no ‘return to normal’

There can be no ‘return to normal’

The worldwide pandemic of Covid19 is a strange and uncertain time. Entering SEVENTH week now in lockdown!

It’s a serious and deadly virus for some. I sincerely hope no-one reading this has lost a loved one. My dear brother-in-law was on the critical list, but now appears thankfully to be on long road to recovery.

One thing is certain – there can be no ‘return to normal’; my hope is this virus will result in a new value system where humans – led by enlightened government – recognise environmental issues are more important than economic growth.  Did you know that the climate crisis has already caused more deaths than the worst predictions for Coronavirus? (Irish Times, 17/4/2020).

Satellite images are showing a marked decline in air pollution as billions of people stay home. Noxious gases from heavy industry and traffic have declined. The earth has been allowed to breathe again!

Families are realising it’s actually pleasant to hang out at home without always rushing kids (mostly in cars!) to after-school activities. The material things we are sucked into feeling we need are mostly discarded as waste.

Like many, I am worried about my economic stability into Autumn and next year, that I won’t get back to where I was before this abrupt disruption.  In my tenth year as a pilates instructor, things were going very well and then – wham bam –  nothing! But I feel lucky and resilient enough to believe I can transition to a new model of sharing the movement system I so love and believe in.

I started Pilates classes on Zoom in week two, faltered due to broadband issues, and have been back doing classes since week four (broadband better, not perfect).  Now in week seven, I am putting a monetary value on my time delivering these classes in an attempt to adjust to the new world order. I also look forward with excitement to welcoming smaller groups in my new private pilates studio at Lagganstown Schoolhouse – 2 metres apart of course!

Especially here in south Tipperary, we have the privilege of space and gardens; embrace the ‘gratitude attitude’!

We have time to ponder, walk at leisure, cook more thoughtfully, read more and realise what is truly important.  Stay home, think positive, count your blessings!