Uncertain times

The categorisation of Coronavirus as a worldwide pandemic is a strange and uncertain time for many, particularly for those without the security of a regular paid job. Definitely for me!

I am self-employed as a pilates instructor. I typically am paid upfront by my lovely and loyal clients for 6- or 8-week terms. This means a cash injection about five times a year and I deliver the best classes I can. I always invest forward, investing in more training, more equipment or props that I use to enhance my knowledge and the class experience.

I can manage for a few weeks without regular classes but if this stage of containment becomes lock down to contain the virus and extends to summer, it may be difficult. Could lead me to something else, who knows? I am calm enough to ride this out. I also have security of second regular earner in the household, a huge bonus without which I wouldn’t be where I am.

I’ve been teaching pilates for over 10 years; before that, I was freelance in the publishing and design world. I transitioned gradually to being totally reliant on pilates for income – all my eggs In one basket. Dangerous?

I have two major loves about teaching pilates – first, it’s empowering to connect to breath and the powerhouse of our core muscles, and, secondly, unlike the publishing world, clients pay you before you do the job! This can lead to stress about delivering but it’s also an incredible buzz – akin to putting on a pre-paid performance each time! I still get pre-class nerves, I’m never complacent about teaching.

I’m well used to the uncertainty of no regular salary. I relish being my own boss and setting my own schedule. I have grown used to believing in myself and it’s always worked so far.

But this Coronavirus is scary for me and others. This time around, bookings  were grand and paid up (and I had plans for expansion) and then this  ….. you all know how this virus has invaded normal life.  Time to be quieter, connect from afar, mind older folk, social distancing and all that. But do pick up the phone and chat with one other!  Hopefully, all will be well soon, and we’ll be back hugging and kissing one another with abandon!  Eimear x